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Digital Art @Google, New York City exhibition and public program series

Photograph by Chris Rainier, exhibited in “Ancient Stories with Modern Technology.” Gibe & Pipe, Huli wigmen, in Southern Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Traditional ceremonial paint colors: Mali-ambua-hare, Waterfall: Iba-Fugu.


Digital Art @Google, a one-year exhibition and public programs series at Google headquarters, 75 Ninth Avenue, New York City, was curated and produced by Nina Colosi, Founder and Creative Director of Streaming Museum.

Digital Art @Google launched in 2010 by Google NYC and The Project Room for New Media at Chelsea Art Museum, opened in June 2010, aiming to engage Googlers with the art world and promote creativity with digital technology. Three exhibitions and associated artist talks were held at Google headquarters in New York City.

The exhibition program was initiated at Google by Josh Mittleman, User Interface Software Engineer, and supported by the Google Community Affairs committee at Google NYC. Digital Art @Google NYC 2010 was curated by Nina Colosi, Curator of The Project Room for New Media at Chelsea Art Museum and founder of the public art program, Streaming Museum.


Ancient Stories with Modern Technology – READ MORE (October 28 – December 31) Artists: Chris Rainier, Paul D. Miller (aka DJ Spooky) and Andrew Senior

We Write This To You From The Distant Future – READ MORE (August 20 – October 22) Artists: Mark Amerika/Chad Mossholder/Rick Silva, Rachel Armstrong/Michael Simon Toon, Marc Barasch, Ed Bilous, etoy, Mitchell Joachim, Eduardo Kac, StudioIMC-Tunick/Elston/Schiller, Jack Toolin/C5, Marina Zurkow, Google UK, Clean Energy 2030, Andrew Senior, Cordero/Senior/Weston

Data Poetics – READ MORE (June 11 – August 13) Artists: Scott Draves, R. Luke DuBois, Aaron Koblin, Mark Napier, W. Bradford Paley, Lincoln Schatz, John F. Simon, Jr., Thomson and Craighead, Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas


Images: Top l-r - Mitchell Joachim, TerreformONE explains his exhibited work; exhibition space. Row 2 - School of Visual Arts students tour exhibition; exhibition space. Row 3 - Exhibiting artists Luke DuBois, Scott Draves, and visitor Scott Snibbe; reception for artist talk open to the public. Row 4 - Exhibition artists Eduardo Kac and Andrew Senior, Digital Art @Google curator Nina Colosi, exhibition artist James Tunick; exhibited work - Etoy's "Mission Eternity, 2005-2016". Row 5 - exhibited photograph by Chris Rainier: Gibe & Pipe, Huli wigmen, in Southern Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Traditional ceremonial paint colors: Mali-ambua-hare, Waterfall: Iba-Fugu; artists talks open to the public.

Support for Digital Art @Google provided by the Google, Inc. Charitable Giving Fund of Tides Foundation

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